Dr. Saper Has Advanced Training In A Variety Of Both Non-operative And Minimally Invasive Procedures To Treat And Repair Sports And Orthopedic Injuries And Arthritis Of The Shoulder, Elbow, Hip, Knee, And Ankle. He Is Active On The Medical Staff In Both The Advocate And North Shore University Hospital Systems.
Screw Fixation Without Bone Grafting for Delayed Unions and Nonunions of Minimally Displaced Scaphoids
Scaphoid nonunions or delayed unions with displacement, humpback deformities,
Honored to be part of the dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for our new dedicated orthopaedic trauma and joint replacement unit at St. Francis Hospital!
Is it possible to exercise too much?
"Summer is a great time to be active and get into shape,” says Dr. Saper. “However, this is also the time we often see patients with overuse injuries
“Dr. Saper on faculty sharing his expertise with other surgeons at an Arthroscopy Association of North America technical meeting!”
The shoulder is a highly movable body joint that allows various movements of the arm. It is a ball and socket joint, where the head of the humerus (upper arm bone) articulates with the socket of the scapula (shoulder blade) called the glenoid.
4433 W Touhy Ave
Ste 301
Lincolnwood, IL, 60712-1832
Tel: (847) 585 2332 | Fax: (847) 585-8985