Healthcare News
Physical Therapy Can Keep Sports Injuries at Bay
Physical therapy helps people recover from sports injuries, but it also can help prevent them, an expert says.
Play It Safe With Winter Sports
Skiing, snowboarding, skating and sledding are great ways to have winter fun, but be sure to take steps to reduce your risk of injuries, experts say.
What Causes Tendon Inflammation?
Tendons are thick cords that join your muscles to your bones. When tendons become irritated or inflamed, the condition is called tendinitis. Tendinitis causes acute pain and tenderness, making it difficult to move the affected joint.
Finding the Right Athletic Shoe
While it will do some damage to your bank account, you need a sport-specific pair of shoes for any activity you do more than three times a week. Otherwise you risk injury and may hamper your performance.
Strengthen your deltoids to help prevent shoulder injuries
When it comes to training, the anterior, or front, deltoid muscle gets almost all the attention, while the medial and posterior deltoids get the cold shoulder.
New Medical Device May Eliminate Need for Some Knee Replacement Surgery
Surgeons say the Calypso device can help relieve pain for people with osteoarthritis in their inner knee region.
Fractures have long-term impacts on quality of life in older people
Single and multiple hip, vertebral, and rib fractures strongly affect the quality of life of older adults over a prolonged period of time, according to a new study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
Why static stretching may not be as effective as you think
For a decade, the research has been clear: static, hold-the-pose stretches prior to athletic activity diminish performance and might even open athletes up to injury.
Causes of Hand Pain and Treatment Options
The hand is one of the most amazing parts of your body. The complex organization of your hand involves bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, skin, and other structures that allow your body to perform a complex variety of activities.
The 7 Best Tennis Elbow Braces to Buy in 2018
You don’t have to play tennis to develop tennis elbow. Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a condition where you develop tears in tendons that attach your forearm muscles to your elbow.